Ex-election chair scolds mediamen
Former Commission on Election chairman Benjamin Abalos scolded mediamen today at the Wack-Wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City, after they have sought his reaction to the accusations made by another key witness who implicated his name on the anomalous multi-million dollar ZTE broadband deal between the Philippines and China. Abalos appeared to have been irritated after his name was again implicated by a certain Rodolfo Lozada, president of the Philippine Forestry Development Council and who served as its technical adviser on the ZTE broadband project of the government. Lozadas' allegations on the mysterious broadband contract has broken the long silence of the former Comelec official who was passing away his time playing golf in Mandaluyong City, when mediamen swarmed to ask him a series of questions surrounding the controversy. It wasn't exactly clear how and in what manner Abalos scolded the mediamen following him to the golf course. But his facial expressions on...