
Showing posts from April 14, 2010

Political chaos in the Philippines

With the May 10 national elections closing in, the Philippine political arena is in total chaos. Latest reports said administration stalwarts are bolting the ruling party and defecting to the Liberal Party, whose presidential bet Noynoy Aguino, son of the former President Cory Aquino who died of cancer a couple of months back, represents. Perhaps, some of these politicians, who were former close allies of President Gloria Arroyo, had lost their confidence in the administration's bet and saw a sure victory in Aquino, who is now leading in the Metro Manila survey as one of the presidentiables that is likely to win the seat in Malacanang Palace. If I were a former ally of the current president, why should I stick to her, if only to free my conscience and the wrath of the voters, most of whom belong to the more than 70 percent of the impoverished population. These are the same people who had banked on false political promises that whatever economic developments during Presiden...