Diploma mills on the rise
A wide variety of online education offers are all over cyberspace. Some of them just pop up in your email address inbox at any given time. What makes it worrisome is that many of these online colleges and universities offering course in the internet are bogus. Why? Because most of them are not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education in any manner. To make it appear that they are accredited, they have established the same bogus world online education accrediting institution in cyberspace as a means to convince would-be victims that the online university is indeed accredited even if it's not. What makes it worse is that even animals can be issued a diploma and transcript of records provided they pay a certain amount to buy the package order consisting of fake documents. Isn't it funny? Diploma mill business, which capitalizes on life experiences and trainings that are used for evaluation purposes, has become an underground industry that heaps millions, if not billions of ...