
Showing posts from July 12, 2009

Is it wrong to dry clothes in the sun?

Furious over drying clothes in the sun? It only happens in America. But not in some countries in Asia where drying clothes in the heat of the sun is a common practice taken from their ancestors many centuries ago. And the controversy blew out of proportion because some people just couldn't understand the credible reason why we have to tap the sun's energy to our own advantage. At this time when most people are complaining about the fluctuating prices of imported oil, certain measures should be used if only to cut unnecessary household costs which kind of making a serious toll on the ordinary pockets. That's exactly what an ordinary housewife did in Vermont recently when she tried to hand her newly washed clothes in the heat of the sun. Perhaps, she just couldn't resist the temptation of tapping the natural energy from the sun and at the same time, cutting her electricity bills. But some of her neighbors just couldn't stand what she did and they were fuming mad abo...