Suicide bombers vs allied forces
A Taliban tries to shoot a woman in the head for adultery. A suicide bomber struck again. This had resulted to the death of at least 25 innocent people during a funeral procession in eastern Afghanistan. This took place after the Talibans had succeeded in series of bombings that killed a lot of people in the past. In their desperate attempts to get back at the allied forces, in partnership with Afghan forces, the Talibans have been using suicide bombers to retaliate and kill other people in the name of their religious ideology. The Talibans always wanted to convert Afghanistan into a purely Islamic country, where advancement in education, and women whose faces are not covered by a veil, are considered mortal sins. To them, these practices are against the teachings of the Holy Koran, and where women are forced to obey their masters' greeds. However, the presence of the allied forces have made them inutile to implement what they wanted to be done in the ...