Wrong ideology puts innocent Palestinians hostage
The conflict between Hamas and the Fatah Group of President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority seems to be on the brink of scaling back to its worst situation, knowing the mentality and ideology of the Hamas, now considered by western countries as a terrorist organization, whose aim is to erase Israel from the map, instead of working out a solution to co-exist with its Jewish neighbor. Supported by Iran in so far as weapons and financial resources Hamas doesn't seem bent on giving up its objective of showing off its might even further if only to justify its existence and cause which it is fighting for. Independent analysts believe that even if neutral Arab nations will work out a compromise that will make both parties sit down across the table to talk peace, it wouldn't be possible at all because Hamas' frame of mind is already dead set on something else. Now, that it has already took control of Gaza City, after defeating the Fatah forces, the more that its leader...