Going out of comfort zone
Today, I read an article in the Opinion page of the L.A. Times, whereby a certain character (never had a chance to know his real profession), had ventured out into the nation's 50 states, doing some dishwashing work for various restaurants across the country. Indeed, it was feat that only few could muster enough courage and determination to do it. Unless, you want to survive, you are left without a choice but to do it, even if it is against your will. In the book review, he was identified as Pete Jordan, a San Francisco resident who earned the nickname as the King of the Dish Pit. But his feat was finally rewarded after he was able to publish a 358-page memoir out of his experiences from washing dishes in the different states. His book is entitled "Dishwasher" was published by HarperPerennial and it now out in the market. Why do some people have to suffer first before they could finally come up with a veritable topic to develop? In many instances, bad experience is always...