Hanging on for a while
Hanging on for a long while has been the most frustrating thing that any human could ever do. As I write this piece, the sky is overcast as if doomsday is closing in on me. And it is hard to expect something that doesn't come in. There's no use at all but dream of big dreams when you're helpless and little bit disappointed.
With all these economic problems that resulted in the "Occupy Wall Street" and other protests that went viral, it is quite to gauge as to whether there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Jobs are scarce these days and people seemed to be adamant on letting go of their hard-earned cash to buy something, unless the products they wanted to buy come from China, which are much cheaper. Is there anything else we can do, if we are in this kind economic gridlock.
What else we can do but to stick around and wait for whatever positive developments that may come at the right time and the right place? Or else, we don't have the choice but to just keep hanging on until something positive comes our way.
In the meantime, the smell of Christmas is just around the corner. However, it is sad to note that many people, including me, are scavenging for whatever little dreams that they could turn into a reality. I think I would feel insulted if I couldn't make up my mind and reposition my thoughts on what I'll do in order to come up with something that will make everybody back home happy this Christmas season.
Foremost in my mind is to win the lottery. That's the only way to pay up all these bills and save more for the future. Unless, we are able to buy the winning tickets, dreams will be dreams. Later on, we'll find ourselves on the brink of falling into the ditch, without any saving at all but griefs and animosities in our hearts. Do something to let them out at times by doing something that could lift up the spirits of those who are in need. No matter if nothings remains in our pockets for as long as we are able to share what we have to those who have less in life.
The Lord will do the rest.
With all these economic problems that resulted in the "Occupy Wall Street" and other protests that went viral, it is quite to gauge as to whether there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Jobs are scarce these days and people seemed to be adamant on letting go of their hard-earned cash to buy something, unless the products they wanted to buy come from China, which are much cheaper. Is there anything else we can do, if we are in this kind economic gridlock.
What else we can do but to stick around and wait for whatever positive developments that may come at the right time and the right place? Or else, we don't have the choice but to just keep hanging on until something positive comes our way.
In the meantime, the smell of Christmas is just around the corner. However, it is sad to note that many people, including me, are scavenging for whatever little dreams that they could turn into a reality. I think I would feel insulted if I couldn't make up my mind and reposition my thoughts on what I'll do in order to come up with something that will make everybody back home happy this Christmas season.
Foremost in my mind is to win the lottery. That's the only way to pay up all these bills and save more for the future. Unless, we are able to buy the winning tickets, dreams will be dreams. Later on, we'll find ourselves on the brink of falling into the ditch, without any saving at all but griefs and animosities in our hearts. Do something to let them out at times by doing something that could lift up the spirits of those who are in need. No matter if nothings remains in our pockets for as long as we are able to share what we have to those who have less in life.
The Lord will do the rest.