CJ Corona's integrity unmasked
The judicial circus that engulfs the on-going impeachment trial against Chief Justice Renato Corona before the Senate judges had a long way in coming before a decision had been finally made. And it took the guts and courage of a new leader in the person of P-Noy to once for all, clear the murky waters that surround the judiciary system in the Philippines.
And who do you think would muster enough courage to do what P-Noy did to question the integrity of the Supreme Court's head, cognizant of the fact that it is the highest law of the land that needs to be respected as a co-equal branch of government with the legislative and exexcutive branches of government? I had never imagined to myself that such an initiative would come to fore with reality.
Agog as we are, many Filipinos have been put in trance and couldn't believe what they are hearing and seeing at the moment as the impeachment trial is unfolding in the Senate chamber. Of course, kudos to the 188 congressmen who made the impeachment trial possible. Otherwise, it could have been another inutile political exercise that could have been made the laughing stock of the world. At least, for now, every Filipino can be proud of that nothing sinister will ever trample the untainted integrity of the Judiciary in favor of the whims and caprices of a few whose coming to the pedestal of power was made possible through the negative interests of a corrupt leader who thought it wise to place at her disposal someone who had been an associate and a close friend as she rose to power. thinking that attaining power and influence is forever a privilege that could not be quashed.
in case CJ Corona's impeachment trial will succeed, it will be a good lesson to be learned that no justices would be appointed for reason of consanguinity or affinity, if only to serve the sinister interests of the appointing authority who would resort to midnight appointments prior to his/her stepping down from power.
As former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich said: "Choosing new Supreme Court justices will be one of the next president's mo st influential tools for changing direction on controversies ranging from the balance between national security and civil liberties to a woman's right to an abortion." Literally, Gingrich was referring to the US judicial system, in which our Philippine judiciary got its model from.
As John Yoo, law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said in his article "How to End Judicial Supremacy," (January 2012, National Review Magazine): "He (Gingrich) is surely right that the executive and legislative branches have a number of ways to corral wayward judges, including the power to change the jurisdiction of the courts, to eliminate judgeships, and perhaps to make greater use of impeachment."
And who do you think would muster enough courage to do what P-Noy did to question the integrity of the Supreme Court's head, cognizant of the fact that it is the highest law of the land that needs to be respected as a co-equal branch of government with the legislative and exexcutive branches of government? I had never imagined to myself that such an initiative would come to fore with reality.
Agog as we are, many Filipinos have been put in trance and couldn't believe what they are hearing and seeing at the moment as the impeachment trial is unfolding in the Senate chamber. Of course, kudos to the 188 congressmen who made the impeachment trial possible. Otherwise, it could have been another inutile political exercise that could have been made the laughing stock of the world. At least, for now, every Filipino can be proud of that nothing sinister will ever trample the untainted integrity of the Judiciary in favor of the whims and caprices of a few whose coming to the pedestal of power was made possible through the negative interests of a corrupt leader who thought it wise to place at her disposal someone who had been an associate and a close friend as she rose to power. thinking that attaining power and influence is forever a privilege that could not be quashed.
in case CJ Corona's impeachment trial will succeed, it will be a good lesson to be learned that no justices would be appointed for reason of consanguinity or affinity, if only to serve the sinister interests of the appointing authority who would resort to midnight appointments prior to his/her stepping down from power.
As former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich said: "Choosing new Supreme Court justices will be one of the next president's mo st influential tools for changing direction on controversies ranging from the balance between national security and civil liberties to a woman's right to an abortion." Literally, Gingrich was referring to the US judicial system, in which our Philippine judiciary got its model from.
As John Yoo, law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said in his article "How to End Judicial Supremacy," (January 2012, National Review Magazine): "He (Gingrich) is surely right that the executive and legislative branches have a number of ways to corral wayward judges, including the power to change the jurisdiction of the courts, to eliminate judgeships, and perhaps to make greater use of impeachment."